martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Oriental Metal I - V.A.

1. Orphaned Land - Ocean Land (The Revelation) (Israel)
2. Rudra - The Pathless Path to the Knowable Unknown (Singapur)
3. Melechesh - Rebirth of the Nemesis (Israel)
4. Arallu - Possessor Of The Code (Israel)
5. Gevolt - Tum Balalaika (Israel)
6. Amaseffer - Slaves for Life (Israel)
7. Farzad Golpayegani - 47 (Iran)
8. Odious - Upon the Broken Wings (Egipto)
9. Distorted - Flesh & Blood (Israel)
10. Pentagram - Anatolia (Turquía)
11. Narjahanam - Rayat Al Mowt (Bahréin)
12. Sawlegen - Streets Of Agrabah (Marruecos)
13. Asura - Saffronised Nightmare (India)
14. Al Qaynah (Afganistán)

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